› Data Sources (DS)
› Archives (RRA)
› RRD create command
› RRD graph wizard


Time interval in seconds with which data will be fed by an update script (step):
Start time:  
Data sources count: 
Archives count: 

Next step

Please select a "step".

Data Sources (DS)

Format: [a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,19}
GAUGE: This is simple values, not rate per second. All others are rate per second types!
COUNTER: Continuous incrementing counters, never decreasing unless on overflow. Rate/second.
DERIVE: Counters which may decrease too. You cannot catch overflows. Could be used to measure the change rate of a GAUGE. Rate/second.
ABSOLUTE: Counters which get reset upon reading (ie. start from zero after the reading because you reset them). This is used for fast counters which tend to overflow. Rate/second.
COMPUTE: Storing the result of a formula applied to other data sources. This is not covered by this wizard.
Maximum number of seconds that may pass between two updates of this data source before the value of the data source is assumed to be UNKNOWN.
A typical value is "2.0 x step".
Limit the processed value. You may leave this empty if you don't know the limits.
For GAUGE - the min/max value.
For the other types - the min/max rate/second.
Enter your values
Name Type Heartbeat Min Max

Archives (RRA)

Consolidation functions (CF):
AVERAGE: Average value for the step period.
MIN: Min value for the step period.
MAX: Max value for the step period.
LAST: Last value for the step period which got inserted by the update script.
What percentage of UNKOWN data is allowed so that the consolidated value is still regarded as known: 0% - 99%. Typical is 50%.
How many step values will be used to build a single archive entry. This defines the granularity of your archive, ie. its zoom level.
If you define a small number here, you will be able to see the details for every step.
If you define a large number here, you will have some aggregated info for the last year, for example, but with less details and much more "zoom out" in regards to time on the X-axis while visualising this.
How many rows will be kept back in the database. This determines how much disk space your RRD database will use and for how much time back you will have data.
Enter your values
CF xff Steps (>=1) Rows (>=1) Calculated value (submit to refresh)
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.
Archive point is saved every ---, archive is kept for --- back.

RRD create command

# ERROR: You defined no Data sources.